
Additions or improvements to the node operators FAQ of the Rocket Pool official documentation. Multiple added or improved answers can receive multiple payouts.

Required Milestones

Milestone A - FAQ Contribution

Payout: 2 RPL per answer

  • You must contribute new or improved answers to frequently asked questions to the Rocket Pool documentation.
  • Contributions must be to the node operator FAQ section.
  • The contributions must be merged into the official documentation by the core team.
  • Contributions must be factually accurate and should completely answer the linked question.


  • No optional criteria.

Further Notes

New node operators tend to have a lot of questions, and as thorough as the guides are, they still have some gaps that require specialized, directed questions and answers. The site has an FAQs section but it is woefully out of date so it doesn’t do a good job of answering questions from first-time node operators. Embellishing it akin to the support bot in Discord would go a long way to helping build confidence for node operators who are unsure about certain things and don’t know / don’t want to reach out to the support channel.

At the very least, porting over the common prompts from the support bot would be a start.

The support bot responds to the following commands in the official Rocket Pool discord server:

  • /support template list - Lists the available support template topics.
  • /support template use - Shows a specific template listed by name.


  • Pull Requests to the documentation repository will be reviewed by a member of the core team.
  • JCTRP will also review any contributions and will need to approve them.
  • Please contact the GMC Administrator to arrange these reviews once you have made a pull request to the documentation repository.



GMC Administrator - ShfRyn
Support - jcrtp